45th Annual Union Grove Lions Car Show

June 1, 2025 @ 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Racine County Fairgrounds
1985 Durand Avenue
Union Grove
WI 53182
Jim McCormic
Please consider coming to our car show.
It is a laid back show.
It is pay to park, with open parking.
Participants are the judges for trophies.
We have 1st, 2nd & 3rd place trophies for each class. Also Best of Show and Peoples choice for the grand prize trophies.
We currently have approx 200 door prizes and are shooting to have a door prize for every participant.
We will also have a 50/50 raffle. The goal is to have a $2000.00 pot to split. In years past it’s been close to $1000.00. The drawing is at noon.
We also have a chicken BBQ dinner that we serve.
Preregistration is highly suggested. That way you don’t have to wait in the registration line and are sure to get a dash plaque.
Portion of proceeds will be given to Lions Camp for the Blind. They provide a week long camp for blind kids, FREE of Charge.
Portion of proceeds will also be given to Lions Leader Dogs for the blind. They provide seeing eye dogs to the blind for free. The cost to raise and train a seeing eye dog is over $20,000.00 each.
Any questions, give us a call. 708-308-0009