CANCELED-Town & Country Drive

June 26, 2021 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
CANCELED due to Likely Precipitation

When:   Saturday, 26 June, 2021
Where: McDonalds parking lot (NW corner of MKE airport, near intersection of Layton Ave & Howell Ave) 191 W. Layton Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207 for a 10:00 AM start. 
Intermediate Pit Stop:  Grafton McDonalds 2570 Washington St. about 11:15 AM
Destination:  Cedarburg Wayne’s Drive-In, 1331  Covered Bridge Rd about 12:45 PM

This drive is a parade-style caravan along the North Shore, a route chosen for minimal number of stops. The 1st half is along Milwaukee’s Lake Drive (town) with the 2nd half into Ozaukee & Washington Counties (country). Start point Hardee’s is NE corner of MKE airport: gather around 9:30 or so to leave the parking lot by 10:00.

Champion for this drive is Dave Jefferson 262-243-5305